Booking Agents
We franchise booking agents who meet the highest standards of professional service. Booking Agents work on commission to connect musicians with people who want to purchase their services. Through their contracts with purchasers, these agents agree that there will be no hidden costs or fees and no surprises in the amount of commission or in the services offered. AFM/CFM musicians contracted by the agency also adhere to the highest professional standards. Our Booking Agent Directory is provided for musicians and anyone interested in hiring musicians.
To have your agency included in our directory - Download the application form
The Benefits Include:
Guaranteed Payment: AFM/CFM will take legal action against an engager for contractual defaults on behalf of the member(s) or agent. If default occurs while on tour, AFM/CFM will wire money to the member(s).
Guaranteed Commissions: If an agent is not paid commission (set rates of 15-20% - depending on type of engagement) by a member, the agent may file a grievance with the CFM for remedy through internal process.
Use of AFM Contract Language: Our contract language is registered and has been proven though the courts. AFM/CFM also provides agents with contracts specific to gigs in the US.
Temporary Work Permits: Agents can obtain assistance from AFM for members to work in the United States under a Class P-2 Temporary Work Permit. AFM can also assist in obtaining Work Permits for US members to work in Canada.
Webhosting: Agents & members can take advantage of AFM’s webhosting services. Choose from 4 different hosting packages, starting as low $19/YEAR for 100mb and up $149/YEAR for 2GB.
Referrals: Musicians seeking an agent will only be referred to AFM Licensed agents.
Locals' Assistance: Agents can rely on AFM Locals for listings of available musicians and venues.
Advertising Opportunities: Agents may advertise in the Locals quarterly newsletter or the AFM’s monthly publication, International Musician. Agents will be listed on AFM’s on-line directory to which potential engagers and musicians are referred to.
Access to AFM Website: Obtain information on AFM members, fellow agents, as well as direct access to AFM/CFM agreements and forms.
AFM Entertainment: AFM’s booking referral service, geared to advertizing members to corporate, union and/or wedding gigs. Agent & members can upload photo images and songs.