Services for Your Symphony
On a day-to-day basis we answer questions about contract interpretation, recording projects, auditions, negotiating strategy, arbitration precedents, organizing techniques and suggestions for solutions to individual problems. While you are working hard to play, we are working hard to protect your wages and benefits.
In consultation with your local, on-site assistance can be provided for negotiations, grievances, and organizing orchestras for collective bargaining and union recognition. Symphonic music is fun, but it should provide for a decent living as well.
Seminars are offered in pre-negotiation preparation, the negotiation process, contract administration, mid-term bargaining and the relationship between the local, the management, the orchestra committee and the rank-and-file.
We can provide materials on informational picketing, pre-strike preparation, public relations information, and up-to-date audition information.
Upon request from a Local Officer, the SSD (Symphonic Service Division) will assist with an extensive analysis of an orchestra's financial records prior to the beginning of a negotiation.
Annually, the SSD prepares Wage Charts for the 144 orchestras represented by the Regional Orchestra Players Association, the Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians and the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians. These can be found in the Members Only area of this site.
We provide access to the services of legal counsel both in the United States and Canada, who offer advice, legal opinions and negotiating strategy.
We maintain a symphonic media department which monitors services, assists negotiators to maintain proper contract language and industry standards and develops special letters of agreement to cover unique recording projects.